Risk V.S Reward
I was still on the couch, when Sebastian came rolling in, rosy & redolent with some fresh encounter no doubt. I love him like a brother, so the mind rebels. We usually skim over such adventures.
"Why so sad, fag hag?" He asked dropping onto the leather couch.
"Why so glum chum? What's the plan Stan..."
"All right, all right". I interrupted him irritably.
"Tell me me all your troubles. I'll tell you mine." Said Sebastian, mock earnestly.
"I don't think I'm very good at this Domme thing." I blurted.
"Did Gordon tell you that, or a client? By the way, what happened? That's right! How did the appointment go? Not so good?"
I shook my head miserably.
"Not so good. " I started at the beginning. By the end, I was warming to my story, playing off of Sebastan's reaction which was one of unrestrained hilarity.
"Beware of any endeavor that involves new clothes, or something like that." Answered Seb sagely.
"So, thats it? That is the feedback that you are offering me? I didn't pay for any of my outfits. Gordon set me up in that regard. Anyway that is not the point."
"What is? That you are afraid you are getting older? You are. Embrace it because unless you can afford cosmetic surgery you better make the acquaintance of your inner crone. But you look great!" He finished brightly.
"Actually that was NOT my point you flaming asshole. My point is can I really do this & make money. Do I have it in me to do this? It's just so weird..yet potentially lucrative." I shrugged, grimacing, feeling my mud mask cracking as I did so.
"Do I really look great?" I asked meekly.
"Oh yes. Absolutely. Ava, you are only 36 & you are sexy as hell. Even I know that. You make 36 work for you as you will every age. We were both blessed with good genetics."
"Yeah. Thanks. I noticed you managed to slip yourself into that sentence. But the fact is Seb, if that appointment had gone as planned, I would have had half my rent paid. For an hours worth of play acting in a luxury hotel suite, frolicking around in lace panties & throwing out idle threats & no sex? I mean what's the down side?"
"Beats me. Hey, get it? Beats me!" Seb chuckled wildly as he bent down to slip off his boots. He sat back up, thoughtfully palming an old & shriveled grape that had rolled under the couch. I waited for a remark of disdain, but instead he said "Ava I think you should do it. Balls to the wall. You have a strong corporate & entrepreneurial back ground to bring to this. Study the psychology, the lingo & the process. Approach it as you would any other venture capital opportunity. Market yourself right & with Gordon's help & connections...well oddly enough I see a future here. Make a business plan with goals, get a great web page & build a clientele. Build a dungeon & they will come crawling." I laughed & felt a chunk of clay dislodge itself from my face. It fell onto Seb's lap where he flicked it off absently & continued talking.
"There would be no overhead & you are not even paying for the cell phone. Even if it does not end up being a career, it will certainly see you thru until you land a more conventional job. With benefits." He was rolling the grape gently between his fingers as he spoke. "You have the confidence & if these guys want the psychological engagement & stimulation, you can provide that. AND you are easy on the eyes. Fuck it. I say go for it."
"Really? You think so? You do have some good points. None of which I haven't already considered... Since I can't find a roommate, maybe I can make that back room into a cell."
"Ah yes. Just what every Domme needs. A cell of her own."
"Or a hell of my own making. This could be dangerous. But I have to admit it's all very intriguing. I'll never make any real money working for someone else. I think you might be right. But what about what happened tonight? That was just awful."
"That was a fluke. That will never happen again. Disasters always happen when a person tries something new. That is why people are so afraid of change, right? They don't want an audience to witness their failure. I think you did the right thing by the way, regarding not taking that money. I bet he thought so to. Keep applying common sense & honorable business practices like you have always done & make it happen. Create the myth."
I nodded.
"Create the myth." I repeated
"I'm going to take a shower. I really need one" Seb leered as he unfolded his patrician self from my couch.
"Please." I held up my hand & turned my head away.
"Oh please. Like you are so particular. This grape is so old, we could make wine from it. Disgusting." He flung it at my head as he moved toward the bathroom, where it splattered against the wall. I left it there.
I was thinking.