Down the hole, Alice goes....
Actually, my name is Ava. At least here it is. I'm in Boston & it's raining. Again. I don't mind, I've always liked the rain, the cars splashing by. The sound of urban waves and kids outside yelling at each other in Spanish. I definitely recognized the word punta. It's about all of the language I know. For me, the first sign of Spring, is the sound of a basketball being lazily handled outside my window. Lanky brown boys, spitting & whistling. It's a lively neighborhood.
N.P.R is playing in the background. Fresh flowers, simple white tulips are opening, placed in a tall cobalt blue vase. I just finished a warm biscuit drizzled w/ honey & butter & I'm sipping English tea. My client left a little while ago. He was the one who gave me the flowers. I usually expect & get them. I think fresh flowers are the height of luxury, right along with expensive sheets & linen spray. Having free time is one of the reasons why I do what I do and of course, it is insanely lucrative. Sometime I even feel a little guilty about it. But I shake it off real quick, cause the fact is I work hard for the money. Most of the time.
I am an Erotic Domme & Courtesan to the best & brightest. At least that is what my website says. I used to be a Business Betty sitting in a cubicle like a fatted calf. Sales. I believe that says it all? Anyway, I wasn't fat and I was good at what I did. Then 911 came, stock market scandals an a assortment of other troubles. I was laid off & starting going down...no not THAT silly. That activity is reserved for my private life. Besides, a good Domme never goes down. It simply isn't done.
I'll fast forward through some dead end interviews, a dead end job and some meaningless temp "placements".
Then I met Gordon thru the wild, wild west that we call Craig's List. No, this isn't a love story; we have a unique business relationship. Call him my mentor, teacher & guide. He is neither lover nor pimp, but a detached instigator that reaps the benefits of what I do. He ought to-he was the one who launched me into this sub culture in the first place. Pun intended. Brilliant & disheveled he asks for little. He pays for my cell phone and we engage in the occasional session. When I first started as a Domme, I simply could not comprehend that there were men who would pay me NOT to have sex with them. If only I had discovered this earlier...
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