It Was Bound To Happen
Into every life some creeps must fall. At least this is the way I rationalize it to myself. I suppose a farmer from Idaho would live a simpler life. One absent of stalkers, blackmailers, sociopaths and deviants.Although by some reports the good citizens of say,Idaho,had their own secrets just like anywhere else. They are just a bigger boned people.
It's true that I had chosen this way when I could have gone another way, but which way? There are only so many probable outcomes in any given situation. I was born with only so many gifts and talents. Some I squandered to my deep regret, some I was just discovering. I fancied that I now carried myself differently. I somehow felt more predatory and self aware as well as self reliant. And undoubtedly more selfish.
As Ava I took, schemed and wove my way through almost every level of society. A "girl" pirate who swaggered her way in and out of adventures with beauties half her age, just because she still can and tweaking the psyches of paying and largely older patrons. At first it was marvelous. I've always loved beginnings.
I was born with an indecent amount of self confidence. Many would say to an almost self delusional level. If I were not intrinsically introverted I would be unbearable. Of course I could be wrong in over estimating my own appeal but I didn't think so. I wasn't a perfect beauty, and older than some but I possessed an undeniable je ne sais quoi and I meant to capitalize on it. It was 2005 and I was rebounding rather nicely in a time when my more well heeled friends were beginning to feel bewildered and vaguely uneasy. Where the fuck was all their hard earned money GOING?
I wasn't alone in being laid off or in losing my benefits. As taxes crept up, so did utilities. Owning a car in the city was costing me a small ransom and I noticed a dull ache in my back tooth. Most unfortunate as I had also lost my dental insurance. Like Scarlett O'Hara I kept shoving away the voice of panic to be addressed another day. The sure footed and advancing reverberations of 9/11 and other nefarious national shake ups yet to be realized were circling us patiently. We seemed only dimly aware.
I also shoved another voice from my busy, busy cranium which was my intuition. Stupid. So stupid and I did it out of greed. I had just returned from Miami and was tanned and well rested having visiting friends out there. I needed some quick pick up cash when I came home to Boston. This new supplicant Wayne was badgering me via e-mail while I had been away sipping Mai Tais, rolling along with the techno and the sun addicts down in the dirty, dirty South. All play and no work makes Ava a broke ass bitch.
I unpacked and loved up Monti who had been cared for by Bunny while I was away. His plush, lush, grey fur shimmered like the blue Tahitian pearl bracelet an admirer had given me. I was wearing it now and I absently stroked them both as I checked my Mistress e-mail.
I recalled when I first received it as an unexpected gift from a man who was not even a submissive. He was a frequent contributor to another board that I posted on, having to do with super courtesans, high end personalities and so forth. This was one of the first of many gifts to come from generous strangers. I asked and therefore I received. Maybe there was something to this catholic thing. I had some modest suggestions that I had added onto my site like the perfumes that I loved or boxed book sets. Sometimes expensive jewelry or shoes but nothing improbable like a car. I thought that was tacky. So this gentle man of refinement had sent me this thoughtful present. For no apparent reason. As of yet anyway.
I put on a Tribe Called Quest and sipped some Meukow X.O and listened to the March wind and rain nagging at the trees outside the porch. I noticed with growing annoyance, that Wayne had continued to write me incessantly, pleading that I call him while I was away in Miami. I thought this was a gross misuse of my boundaries and this was after I had told him to knock it off. At least ten e-mails were lined up demanding my attention-all from this idiot. I had yet to even MEET Wayne and wasn't sure that I should in light of this flagrant disregard for my stated boundaries. But a girl's gotta eat and other sessions had been scheduled farther out. The rent would be paid but I wanted sushi so I called Wayne from a blocked number.
Big mistake.
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