SM Finishing School
So I found myself seated amongst brick a brack & forgotten treasures. Gordon was eyeing me up & down like a horse trainer. I dressed in my interpretation of what a Domme would wear. Kind of, since I owned no leather,being a cashmere sort of girl. I had on tight black pants, a turtleneck & boots. He said I had the look (um mm.thanks?) and confidence. The role could be cultivated & he would show me how. He claimed to have launched a few well known Dommes (later I found this to be true.) and would be willing to do the same for a cut of the action. Gordon had been in the scene as a Dom for over 20 years and was VERY well connected. I believe he also enjoys the cache that it brings when he is associated with a successful protege. I found out later how lucky I was really was regarding his tutelage & influence. Through him, I was able to move in some very rarefied circles of society. These people are moneyed, privileged , highly educated and fiercely private. They have allot to lose, as do I if I am not discreet. They are not my only clients of course, but the high rollers are my bread and butter. The rich don't mind paying well for their pleasures.
The first step was to set me up with a cell phone. Before he exposed me to his associates he thought it would be a good idea for me to get some live experience. Back to Craig's List. We posted an ad looking for "Practice Dummies" at a reduced rate. A surprising amount of people answered. I was to learn how tedious it could be weeding out the sincere VS the time wasters. This is half the challenge. The other half is in attracting the right sort of clientele. Chiefly the sane, professional, educated & lets be frank. Those with disposable income to indulge their dark perversity's. I carefully crafted an ad & a protocol e-mail with a few rules. One which is, I NEVER give out my work cell number unless I get theirs first. If they are not willing to pony up, then it's onto the next prospect. I created a simple page on geocities with a photo. My face was averted of course. All this helped, but a few rabid women haters, wackos & insincere always manage to slip through. More on that later.
Next would be outfitting me with the appropriate ensemble & toys. Kind of like a Barbie Domme. Gordon escorted me to my first fetish fair. I was not impressed. I seemed to be surrounded by a horde of unwashed & pasty people, squeezed into ill fitting & unflattering leather, latex & vinyl outfits. Couples were promenading the expo center. The most common sight being grim faced, grossly over weight and preternaturally pale females in ludicrous outfits, leading dejected & painfully thin mates around by a leash. Surely you jest, I said to Gordon. I was repulsed. It seemed silly & they stunk. He assured me that these people would not be my clients. The clients that I would be going after were a whole other breed & would never show their faces here.
I was skeptical.
1 comment:
With whom is your SM Finishing School accredited?
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