I wore pink defiantly.
My sleeveless pink sweater, grey pencil skirt & open toed sandals drew more stares than the nearly naked woman on ( no lie) 6 foot stacked platform shoes. The slave men slunk by, covertly & hungrily eying me as their Mistress tugged them irritably along on their leashes. So typical of men. People in general I suppose. The closet subs desire a life of unrestricted depravity ( not realizing that living with a Mistress is still living with a woman. Except shes a bigger bitch than most)& being bullied in public. The submissives who have actually caught the brass ring, look longingly back at the vanilla women wearing the skirts( the pants are hidden underneath)-go figure.
It was hot. So hot. The air conditioner was broken. Leather and sweat made for a heady and stomach churning cocktail. I had a headache that felt like an enemy had shoved a live baby mouse up my nostril. I was lethargic. I was joyless & Gordon was irritated by my lack of enthusiasm. I kept trying to work up an interest for the giant glass dildos, the hand made whips & latex corsets.But it was just so fucking hot. I saw another couple go by. The woman had a grizzled salt & pepper crew cut. I knew it was a female because she had no shirt on. Only her nipples were covered by small crosses of black electrical tape(which you could barely see unless you were lying, like a mechanic, in front of her)& her breast looked as though she had nursed nations. She had on stretch pants. She had drawn an angry red gash over her suggestion of a mouth. Her lips looked like a mail slot. Her partner was a short, fat & TOTALLY shaved man ( No eyebrows. It was horrifying) who was sporting a pink, ruffled, adult diaper. He was attached to his cruel Mistress by his balls & his nipples. She was leading him by a series of three chains, which were attached to three hoops that had been pierced thru his nethers. He had so much cellulite he looked like a squat dripping candle. Now you may not believe me, but I am not one to look at my fellow humans with a critical eye. I am quite capable of both seeing & appreciating inner beauty. But come on.
Oh no. I thought, oh no oh no. This will be my first & last visit to the freak fair. I felt..superior. I mention this because later in this strange career I have often felt humbled. I have met some fascinating & talented individuals through the SM arena. But that was then & this is now.
I wanted to leave, call it an evening, but I knew it would be rude. Gordon had taken me to the fair & had bought me my first set ( 4 in total) of hand made leather cuffs, a red braided whip & some floggers. I guess I felt I owed him. And I still do, but I digress. We had made plans for Gordon to introduce me to some players in the scene (I actually SAY things like that now) at Dicks Last Resort. Barbecues & deviants. Yum Yum. As soon as we stepped outside & I could breath through my nose again, I felt instantly revived. I decided to just go with it and went to dinner. The ribs were great & the company was better. A silver haired WASP who just screamed country club, had been watching me all evening. He didn't fit my idea of a submissive & certainly did not resemble the crowd that we had left behind. He looked poised & distinctly British. His name was Peter & he had a proposition for me. Sounded a bit like the start of a dirty joke. In a way, I guess it was. He had a fetish of his own. He liked to be the first submissive with a new Domme. Peter knew that Gordon was taking me under his wing. He told me if he could see me alone, without Gordon being a witness or knowing, he would give me $800.00 for two hours. I could keep the whole amount. I hesitated. I finally told him that although I was flattered, I didn't feel right cutting Gordon out. He had been very good to me, I explained earnestly. Peter seemed a little disappointed but said he understood.
Gordon drove me home. I had been a success and there had already been requests to session with me. Before Gordon dropped me off he handed me a check for a thousand. He told me that my interaction with dapper Peter had been a set up. He told me that before he invested anymore time & money in me he had to know that I was trustworthy. He only confirmed what I had already suspected. I deposited the check the next morning.
I was in.
1 comment:
I'm not surprised you passed the test. Loyalty has always been one of your strengths...and one of your weaknesses.
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