Practice makes perfect...
My first session was a disaster. A true embarrassment. I laugh now & I laughed then & that was part of the problem.
A gentleman responded to my practice dummies post. We exchanged many e-mails, some akin to a novella in length. I grew impatient figuring he was just another jerk off at the key board. Finally, we arrived at a time & place for our session. Initially I felt pleased about the fact that I would be meeting him at the Park Plaza in the Garden Suite. Promising, I thought. Gordon drove me to meet "Jim" ( Kevin,Jim & Dave seems to have replaced John re: anonymous encounters)at the plaza. I was nervous, but not as much as I had expected to be. I wore a purple velvet riding jacket & a long, black skirt with a thigh high slit & black strappy heels. My dark red hair was pulled up into a careless top knot. Jim requested that I wear expensive, french looking lingerie. I complied. I had on sheer black thigh highs & black lace boy shorts w/ a push up bra. I glittered with a kind of low key expensiveness that I thought he would approve of.
It was agreed that Gordon would watch & mentor our session & Jim was cooperative, even eager regarding being watched.Gordon dropped me off and he went to find parking. I walked through the lobby & was terribly self conscious. I carried a bag of tricks & a cultivated, haughty attitude. No one looked twice-at least not with suspicion. I took the elevator up. I had instructed Jim to leave the door ajar & to be naked & kneeling in the middle of the room. I wanted my envelope in plain site. I nudged the door open w/ my foot & there he was in all his naked splendor. I a nodded at him and then I searched the room. I was in a heightened state of paranoia & checked behind the shower curtain & in the closets in the unlikely event that this was a costly sting. Once I was reassured, I put my bag down & put away the envelope & studied Jim a little more closely. He was about 55, a thin white man with a receding hairline. The room reeked of his fear. Literally. Later I would become accustomed to this scent but at that point it was unnerving & his unease was infecting my sense of self confidence. Being the narcissist that I am, I turned to what gave me comfort. My own reflection in the long & elegant mirror. I told him to watch me as I slowly removed my clothing. He was still kneeling with his hands behind his back. I wandered around the suite in my seductive ensemble & was gratified to see his cock was swelling. I pretended to ignore it while I helped myself to a drink, one ear cocked toward the door for Gordon's arrival. Ten minutes had already passed & I had no idea what to do with this skinny, petrified and naked man at my feet.
So I bluffed it.
Great so far... but then what happened? Did Gordon get there?
I am waiting! What happened next?
You've always been great at bluffing. That's why I never play poker with you.
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